

“As parents who value our child's sleep and our own sleep, we made sleep a priority from the start.  We read the books and followed the expert guidance and our son slept very well throughout his first year, but then things seemed to take a turn.  He was waking up super early (5:00/5:30 AM) every day for months and we felt hopeless because we seemed to try everything.  We reached out to Tracy and her expertise, paired with her confidence and compassion, helped our son exceed our sleep expectations for him.  As a result of her individualized sleep plan and constant support and communication, our son is now sleeping until or even past 7:00 AM daily.  His naps have improved as well and he is an overall happier kid (with happier and well-rested parents).  We appreciate everything Tracy has done and could not recommend her enough!” 

– Lizzy from Brooklyn, NY

“Tracy's support has been invaluable to our family. It is crazy to believe that just a few weeks ago we were having nap disaster after nap disaster, with our 11 month old daughter always being nursed to sleep, and waking up multiple times a night - always ending up in our bed, with no set schedule during the day. We are very impressed and calmed by our new sense of structure, and blissful sleep (for us all!). We were also able to completely wean our daughter in a gentle, loving way during that time as well. Our daughter is now well-rested and happier in her crib. We often find her playing and singing to herself - when before whenever she was alone in her crib she would just scream for us. Tracy is compassionate, but clear with her guidance and helped us to troubleshoot every day as we navigated through the training process. We are also so grateful that we always have someone to turn to if we need immediate help with a sleep situation!”

— Arianne from San Francisco, CA

“We were lucky enough to have Tracy step in with her grace and expertise when our soon to be 3 year old had a significant sleep regression with the arrival of her baby sister. Bedtime became a challenge, there were mid-night awakenings, and way way too early risings. While we were managing it and surviving, the interrupted sleep for us parents was not sustainable, especially with a newborn. Something had to change and that is where Tracy was able to really help us. Her understanding, support and gentle guidance made the struggle seem manageable and solvable. As a physician myself, I’m familiar with addressing sleep issues to a certain extent, but Tracy had a lot to teach us and fantastic ideas to share. She was able to gauge what we were comfortable with and use that to tailor a sleep plan for our unique situation. And it worked! I would highly recommend her for anyone struggling with their child’s sleep routines. I feel much better knowing I have her support if we face sleep challenges with our second.”

— Leigh from New York, NY

“I just have to tell you again how grateful we are for your support and guidance with our son’s sleep. He hit a bit of a regression. He was back to waking up 3 - 4x a night again and wanting to comfort nurse. We went back to your plan, and after two nights, he’s not only back to his routine, but sleeping better!! 💙”

— Margaux from Tewksbury, NJ

“As first time parents we read every book, took all the online courses and spoke to fellow parents to gain advice. In the end it just left our heads spinning with too much information - we were unable to decipher which sleep route was right for us. Tracy's personalized and gentle sleep plan helped us go from multiple night feedings and wakings to our 5 month old son sleeping through the night and we couldn't be happier. Save yourself the trouble and give Tracy a call - you won’t regret it!!”

— Kim from Los Angeles, CA

“As a first time parent, the transition from 1-2 naps for my 16 month old was extremely daunting! I second guessed every decision I made (is it even time to switch?!) and tried several methods to get him to focus on one nap, but we just couldn't get there. When I reached out to Tracy with my concerns she was very thoughtful and diligent in listening to what we were experiencing and partnering with us on the best possible solution for my son. Tracy's proposed plan has been a huge success for us and we could not be more grateful for her help with our family!”

— Clarissa from Chatham, NJ

"I never thought I would consider my 1.5 year old a "great" sleeper but, here we are! 

After a week of working with Tracy, my little one went from multiple middle of the night wakings to sleeping through the night.....EVERY. NIGHT. 

Tracy was with us every step of the way and our family owes every ounce of sleep to They Sleep We Sleep...thank you!"

— Tracey from Far Hills, NJ

Tracy was the calm, steady, organized support we needed to get our 20 month old back on track with a consistent sleep schedule.  Her proposed plan was incredibly thorough and she offered daily support.  After our two week session, our son has slept through the night every night - even on our family vacation to a new house/new crib environment.  Her follow up resources are invaluable and I refer to these guides constantly.  Thank goodness for Tracy! 

— Maura from Newport, RI

They Sleep We, Sleep is a game changer.

Tracy is compassionate, knowledgeable, patient, understanding, & realistic. Most importantly, she is an expert in her field. Two things impressed me most about Tracy & this process.

The first, Tracy is a problem solver. She has the ability to listen, process the data (your information & feedback), create a plan, & then guide you through the execution of it - without hiccups. The second, Tracy not only helped our daughter sleep, she improved our quality of life. We see significant differences since partnering with her. The most noticeable difference is our daughter’s development. She seems to be learning at faster rate. It’s hard not to attribute this to a proper sleep routine.

Bottom line - Tracy and They Sleep We Sleep are invaluable. 

— Liz from Clarks Summit, PA

Working with Tracy was exactly what we needed to get our 4 month old sleeping and napping, and even eating better. Tracy gave us the structure and plan we needed, and most importantly — held us accountable to the plan.

After sticking to Tracy’s schedule for our little girl, she has been sleeping through the night every single night, and napping when she’s supposed to be. Tracy helped us give her what she needed to build the skills to get herself to sleep and it’s been game changing.

Having Tracy to check in with us, be there for our questions, and keep us on track was the perfect solution for our family.

— Meg from Hoboken, NJ

Our son did not start sleeping through the night until he was almost a year old. My husband and I knew that we wanted to do things differently when our daughter was born. Tracy put together a plan based on our family’s unique needs when our daughter was four months old. Within a few nights, she was sleeping from 7:30 PM - 7:30 AM!

Now at 18 months old, we have had a few bumps in the road. However, Tracy has always been there to assist us and quickly get our daughter’s sleeping back on track. It is amazing how even the smallest of changes have made a huge difference.

We are so grateful for Tracy guidance and support. Our only regret is that we did not consult her sooner to help us with our son!

— Saeger from Portsmouth, NH